Registration – early fee (until 10 May 2018) :
- Scholars: 210 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Scholars: 260 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
- Students : 160 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Students : 200 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
- Others : 260 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Others : 330 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
Registration fees (from 11 May 2018):
- Scholars: 250 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Scholars: 300 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
- Students : 200 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Students : 240 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
- Others : 300 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks)
- Others : 370 euros (access to the conference, lunches and coffee breaks participation to the social event; procedings of the conference)
payable on the account of the UNICREDIT BANCA DI ROMA
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa “Mario Lucertini”
IBAN :IT 49 J 02008 05168 000400695305
Thanks to mention “JADT2018 – name of the participant”
There will be no refund in case of cancellation